
New to musical theatre? Or perhaps you want hone some skills or learn some new tips? We believe in life long learning and all are welcome to any of our workshops or classes! Come learn with us at Cat’s Paw!

What’s Included


Learn some new moves, including ones that anyone could master and tips for creating a memorable performance!


Learn effective tips for really delving into your character and scene work to create truly effective performances!


Learn exercises for increasing your vocal rage and ability, plus tips for powerful emotional performances!


We’ll give you tips for preparing and nailing auditions!


This intensive workshop will culminate into an evening performance where you can invite your friends and family!


Rather than just giving you theories, we will give you practical exercises that you can use NOW!

Broadway in a Day!

Have you always wanted to be in a musical but don't have time? Have you wanted to jump on stage but found it intimidating? Well! Cat's Paw Productions is delighted to bring you BROADWAY IN A DAY! Fun twists on classic shows we all know and love, you will get acting, dancing, singing, costumes, and a half hour performance on the Tempest stage conveniently compacted into a single day! Space is limited, but we will also have a minimum class size. Sign up deadline is end of day, April 5th!

DATE: Saturday, April 8, 2023

TIME: 9am-7pm, with a show at 7:30pm

LOCATION: Tempest Theatre - 125 Eckhardt Ave, Penticton, BC

PRICE: $150